Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A day in the life of Rapunzel.

Anyone who knows me knows about my slight obsession with all things Tangled. I often find myself having songs such as "I can see the light" "Mother Knows Best" and of course "When will my life begin?"
I can't imagine what a day in the life of Rapunzel would be like. I know it would probably include: chores, sweeping until the floors are clean, polishing, wax, do laundry, mop, shine up and sweep again. Then I would read books, do some painting, play guitar, knit, and cook. Then I'll have some lunch. After my meal, I'll do puzzles, darts, and baking, paper-mâché, ballet and chess. Some pottery, ventriloquy, candle making. I might stretch, possibly sketch, climb or sew a dress. The possibilities are endless, but I know I will wonder When will my life begin?
But what happens if Flynn Rider decides to pay me a visit as I'm stuck in my tower? I know I wouldn't react exactly like Rapunzel did. I probably not hit ANYONE with a frying pan. Regardless, Rapunzel will always be my favorite Princess.

1 comment:

  1. Loving these blog posts! So creative and clever. Great job!
